Mission Statement

St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church exists to bring persons to God through the Love of Christ Jesus. We are a community of Christians who participate in corporate worship and prayer, who teach the faith and proclaim the Gospel, who offer a place of hospitality, and who seek to spread peace and love by sharing with and caring for others.


  • To worship God, our creator, redeemer and sustainer

  • To proclaim the risen Christ in word and deed

  • To serve God, our neighbors and one another by living in love
    and by manifesting God's love in all we do and say.

As our model, we have taken St. Martin of Tours, a converted soldier who became a monk and bishop. He shared himself and his goods with the poor and with all those seeking God. He studied God's word and lived by it. He listened to God prayerfully and to his neighbor compassionately. Of him a contemporary wrote: Never was there any word on his lips but Christ, or any feeling in his heart but kindness, peace and mercy.

Approved by the Vestry 1986, amended 2003.